What we do

Reducing period poverty and promoting period positivity.

Our aim is to reduce period poverty and help anyone in need to stay healthy and well through donations of period products, essential items and one-to-one support, which is completely free and never means tested.

We make it easier for everyone to talk about periods by opening up the conversation about periods across genders, cultures and generations, highlighting the stigma and inequalities that exist and working together to create a more period positive future.

We believe strongly that improved menstrual education is necessary for all and aim to normalise talking about periods to stamp out mis-information and end period stigma.

We are also helping to bring about policy change through campaigning to eliminate period inequality and participating in regional and national research studies and menstrual activism networks.


“Our ultimate aim as a charity is to not exist! However, until that time comes, the goal of Periods Matter is simple – we aim to reduce period poverty in Wolverhampton, one pad/tampon at a time. We have real lived experience and know what you are going through. If you are in need, please reach out to us.”

— Clare Roberts Molloy, Periods Matter Founder

Our impact



Since 2018 we have distributed thousands of period products, supporting around 500 women and families per year. Our support, particularly during the COVID 19 Pandemic meant that their period was one less thing our beneficiaries had to worry about.

To find out more about our impact you can read the feedback from real women we’ve supported below.



As an environmentally conscious organisation we are always looking to minimise our carbon foot print and environmental impact, by offering sustainable and reusable period products to those we support, partnering with Hey Girls and Empower Period.

Our new project, Seeing Red, Going Green, will be teaching participants to make their own reusable period pads and providing information on making periods greener!

Read more about our Projects and Programmes.



Improved menstrual education and free period products in schools are key to reducing period poverty, and encouraging open and stigma free conversations around periods. Since 2018 we’ve partnered with several Wolverhampton schools to deliver menstrual workshops, across multiple year groups.

Find out more about our FREE educational workshops.


Policy change

To bring about positive policy change we have participated in several regional and national research projects, sit on a Periods in Pandemic Advisory Board and are part of a Menstrual Activist Network, strongly believing there is strength in numbers when it comes to making long lasting change!

If you want to add your voice to our work and campaigns, read more about getting involved here.


Feedback from women we’ve supported…


“The team at PeriodsMatter have supported me and my daughter fort the past three years. As a single mum I have really struggled and they have provided us with pads, toiletries and even new underwear.

I’m not sure what we’d have done without them”

— Stacey

“PeriodsMatter really helped us out during lockdown as we couldn’t leave our house due to health issues and were reliant on food parcels from the Council. Unfortunately, the food parcels didn’t contain period products at first and so the team from PeriodsMatter supported me and my two daughters with pads and toiletries which really helped us out at a difficult time.”

— Keri

“I want to say an absolutely huge thank you to the team! I was in a very low and difficult place and really struggling to support my family. I was buying food for my children rather than pads for myself. PeriodsMatter provided me with pads and toiletries for 3 months! They even provided nappies and other baby products for my children! I know if I need them, they are there to help. No question!

Thank you so much, and God Bless”

— Viviene

Menstruation is not an excuse for discrimination.